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HOW STANDARDIZED TESTING DAMAGES EDUCATION. How do schools use standardized tests? The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) era has seen an unprecedented expansion of standardized testing and test misuse. Despite ample evidence of the papers in sociology, flaws, biases and inaccuracies of standardized exams, NCLB and related state and federal policies, such as Race to the Top (RTTT) and the NCLB waivers, have pressured schools to use tests to measure student learning, achievement gaps, and teacher and school quality, and to impose sanctions based on test scores. This is on top of using tests to determine if children are ready for school; track them into of history subject instructional levels; diagnose learning disabilities, retardation and other handicaps; and research, decide whether to essay control promote, retain in grade, or graduate. School systems also use tests to guide and control curriculum content and teaching. Aren't these valid uses of test scores? Measurement experts agree that no test is good enough to serve as the sole or primary basis for research in sociology any of these important educational decisions. A nine-year study by the National Research Council (2011) concluded that the solar cell phd thesis, emphasis on research, testing yielded little learning progress but caused significant harm. Importance? NCLB demonstrated what happens when tests are misused. Negative consequences include narrowing the curriculum, teaching to the test, pushing students out of school, driving teachers out of the profession, and research in sociology, undermining student engagement and school climate. High school graduation tests , used by 25 states, disproportionately penalize low-income and minority students, along with English language learners and the disabled. They do not promote the knowledge, skills and habits needed for success in short about, college or skilled work. Tracking generally hurts slower students but does not help more advanced students. Too often, the assumption is that low-scoring students need low-level remediation rather than enrichment, challenge and support. Research Papers In Sociology? Retention in grade , flunking or holding a student back, is almost always academically and essay, emotionally harmful. It generally does not lead to sustained academic improvement, lowers student self-esteem, and leads to dropping out. Screening and readiness tests are frequently inaccurate and can lead to misdiagnosis of student learning needs. Who is most often hurt by these practices? Students from in sociology low-income and Research Paper, minority-group backgrounds, English language learners, and students with disabilities, are more likely to be denied diplomas, retained in grade, placed in a lower track, or unnecessarily put in remedial education programs. They are more likely to receive a "dumbed-down" curriculum, based heavily on rote drill and test practice. This ensures they will fall further and further behind their peers. Many drop out, some ending up in the “school-to-prison pipeline.” On the other hand, children from white, middle and upper income backgrounds are more likely to be placed in research papers in sociology, "gifted and talented" or college preparatory programs where they are challenged to read, explore, investigate, think and progress rapidly. How do tests control curriculum and instruction? In many districts, standardized exam results have become the single most important indicator of control, school performance. As a result, teachers and administrators feel enormous pressure to ensure that test scores consistently rise. Schools narrow and manipulate the curriculum to match the papers, test, while teachers tend to cover only what is likely to be on the next exam. Methods of teaching conform to the multiple-choice format. Short Essay Christmas? Education increasingly resembles test prep. It is easy to see why this could happen in low-scoring districts. But some high-scoring schools and districts, striving to keep their top rank, also succumb. The pressure is research, so great that a growing number of administrators and teachers have engaged in various kinds of cheating to boost scores. Are test results a good way to measure teacher quality? Student tests cannot reliably, validly and fairly be used to judge educators. Solar Cell? Researchers looked at popular value-added methods of teacher evaluation and found them fraught with errors and unreliable. One researcher concluded that “a teacher’s performance evaluation may pivot on what amounts to a statistical roll of the dice.” The negative consequences for papers in sociology teaching and importance of history subject, learning will only intensify when educators are judged “in significant part” by student test scores, which is a requirement in both RTTT and research in sociology, NCLB waivers. About Christmas? Knowledge of the arbitrary and inaccurate consequences will deter some strong young candidates from becoming teachers or principals, and in sociology, drive good, experienced educators away from working in the most high-need schools. Don't standardized tests provide accountability? No. Short Essay About Christmas? Tests that measure as little and as poorly as multiple-choice exams cannot provide meaningful accountability. Instead of being accountable to parents, community, teachers and students, schools become "accountable" to an unregulated testing industry. “Score inflation” results when narrow test preparation replaces more in-depth and comprehensive instruction. Not only do students get an inferior education, but the public gets the in sociology, mistaken impression that education is improving. If we do not use standardized tests, how will we know how students and programs are doing? Standardized tests can be one part of a comprehensive assessment system. Essay On Gun? However, they offer just a small piece of the papers in sociology, picture. Solar Cell Phd Thesis? Better methods of evaluating student needs and progress already exist. Careful observation and documentation of student work and behaviors by trained teachers is more helpful than a one-time test. Research Papers? Assessment based on student performance on real learning tasks is more useful and accurate for measuring achievement -- and provides more information for teaching -- than multiple-choice achievement tests. Are other methods of assessment reliable? Trained teams of judges can be used to subject rate performance in many academic areas. Research Papers In Sociology? Studies have shown that, with training and clear guidance, the level of agreement among judges ("inter-rater reliability") is high. At the Olympic Games, for example, gymnasts and divers are rated by panels of judges. Position Control? Advanced Placement essays and its Studio Art assessment are scored entirely by research in sociology teams of trained educators. Independent evaluators have consistently judged collections of student classroom work (portfolios and learning records). A process of sampling from classroom-based evidence can provide richer information, be adequately reliable, and help stop teaching to the test. As with multiple-choice exams, safeguards are needed to ensure that race, class, gender, linguistic or other cultural biases do not affect evaluation. How do other nations evaluate their students? The U.S. is the only economically advanced nation to rely heavily on multiple-choice tests. Other nations use performance-based assessment to evaluate students on the basis of position essay control, real work such as essays, projects and activities. Ironically, because these nations do not focus on in sociology, teaching to multiple-choice and short-answer tests, they score higher on international exams. More than 900 four-year colleges and universities do not use the SAT or ACT to admit substantial numbers of bachelor-degree applicants. Contact Robert Schaeffer at (239) 395-6773 or FairTest at (617) 477-9792.

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Alcoholism as a Disease Term Paper. The overall objective of this research paper is to identify and address those aspects of alcoholism, which contribute to research in sociology, it as a medical disease. True, alcoholism has many ramifications for society as well as the economy, but the focus of this paper shall be, for the most part, on the medical aspects. In the way of background, alcoholism refers to the drinking of alcoholic beverages to such a degree that major aspects of the position essay, individual’s life -such as work, school, family relationships or personal safety and health, above all, are seriously and repeatedly interfered with. Alcoholism is research in sociology considered a disease, meaning that it follows a characteristic course with known physical, psychological, and social systems. Essay Christmas. The alcoholic continues to consume alcohol despite the research papers in sociology, destructive consequences. Alcoholism is serious, progressive, and irreversible. If not treated, it can be fatal. It is generally thought that once the disease has developed, the alcoholic will not drink normally again. An alcoholic who abstains from drinking, however, can regain control over the aspects of life with which alcohol interfered. Christmas. The alcoholic is then said to be “recovering” not “cured” of the disease. It is important to note that the particular symptoms and pattern of drinking problems may vary with the individual. Alcoholism is, therefore, a very complex disorder, and in sociology, it is importance of history subject essay this very complexity which has led some recent researchers to question the research, accuracy of the disease concept of alcoholism. A person does not have to drink every day to subject essay, be an alcoholic. Moreover, someone who drinks frequently, or sometimes gets drunk is not necessarily an alcoholic. Research. It is possible to abuse alcohol for a short or contained period of time without developing alcoholism. For example, some people may drink abusively during a personal crisis and then resume normal drinking. College students tend to drink more heavily than other age groups. Solar Phd Thesis. It is often difficult to research, distinguish such heavy and abusive drinking from the early stages of alcoholism. How well the importance of history, person can tolerate giving up alcohol for an extended time, and research in sociology, the effect of the drinking on family, friends, work, and health, may indicate the extent of the alcoholic’s problem. More than ten million Americans are estimated to of history subject essay, be alcoholics. Alcoholism is found among all age, social, cultural, and research, economic groups. In terms of its symptoms and solar cell, causes, which is more in the medical tract, I feel, some common signs of alcoholism in the early stages are constant drinking for relief of personal problems, an increase in papers, a person’s tolerance for alcohol, onset of memory lapses while drinking, (“blackouts”), surreptitious drinking, and essay on gun, an urgent need for the first drink (“craving”). In the middle and late phases, dependence on drinking increases and memory blackouts become more frequently. A physical dependence on alcohol first appears with early warning tremors and agitation that require a drink for relief. In the late stage, drinking bouts are usually very frequent. There is an acute withdrawal syndrome, delirium tremors or DT’s, when drinking ceases. This includes agitation, tremors, hallucinations and possibly seizures. (American Medical Association, p.7) As this author is primarily concerned with the relationship between medical diseases and alcoholism, I should like to focus my attention at this time towards this topic. For example, recent studies have raised questions about the role that dietary fat and cholesterol play in research, cardiovascular disease, the number one killer of American citizens. Can low cholesterol be unhealthy? Certainly it has been established that high cholesterol can, at least the bad cholesterol. Some studies found that people with the arabic, lowest cholesterol levels were less likely to die of coronary heart disease than people with higher cholesterol levels but they had higher mortality rates from papers in sociology other causes, such as lung cancer, digestive diseases and awareness, accidents. However, there is no evidence that low cholesterol causes diseases, according to Dr. Rosser. He speculates that very low levels may result from health problems, such as cancers, liver disease and alcoholism. Papers. (Michaels, p. 24) At this point, I should state that new research into alcoholism, and particularly its relationships to medical diseases, are ongoing. For example, new research into the baffling causes of alcoholism is revealing even deeper clues that it is largely in Research Paper, the genes. Researchers are making headway in their search for genetic markers that can predict whether an individual is predisposed to alcoholism. If they succeed, children of papers alcoholics could be warned. A recent discovery by researchers at the University of California’s Ernest Gallow Clinic And Research Center in San Francisco may help identify potential alcoholics. Led by Dr. Ivan Diamond, a team collected white blood cells from alcoholics and non-alcoholics. Of History. They cultivated six generations of cells and compared the two groups. Those from alcoholics showed significantly higher levels of a messenger molecule that alters cell activity. Says Diamond: “This suggests there is a biochemical marker that can actually distinguish alcoholics from the rest of the population.” The Gallow scientists are now examining the cells of papers children of alcoholics to short essay about, see if they can find conclusive prove that alcoholism is papers hereditary as previous research had suggested. The studies, says Dr. Carlton Erickson, executive director of the Texas Research Society On Alcoholism in Austin, “Enhanced evidence that alcoholism is a disease, not a character defect.” The American Medical Association and many others already believe this. Conclusive proof, however, will be needed to convince the doubtful. (Hiroshi, p.8) With the American Medical Association (AMA) behind the belief that there exists a direct causal relationship between alcohol and cell phd thesis, medical problems, much research is continuing in this vain. Many agree that more money needs to research in sociology, be spend on research, and I agree that this would have many benefits. For example, alcoholism has clearly impacted society in a most deleterious manner, with corporate America experiencing the christmas, highest rate of absenteeism than it has ever before, thus costing both corporate America as well as the taxpayers hundreds of billions of papers in sociology dollars yearly. Similarly, many biological afflictions are clearly associated with alcohol, from brain disorders, to cirrhosis, to circulatory disorders, etc.

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I believe Lady Macbeth is more evil. When Macbeth first thought of killing the king, in Act 1, sc. 3, in the aside that begins at approximately line 148, he says that the papers in sociology, thought of killing, ". that suggestion / whose horrid image. ", makes his heart pound and solar, his hair stand on end. Then, in Act 1, sc. Research In Sociology? 4, after Duncan announces that Malcolm is his successor, Macbeth says, "Stars, hide your fires! / Let not light. I believe Lady Macbeth is more evil. Research Paper? When Macbeth first thought of killing the king, in Act 1, sc. Papers In Sociology? 3, in cell the aside that begins at approximately line 148, he says that the thought of killing, ". that suggestion / whose horrid image. Research? ", makes his heart pound and his hair stand on end. Position Control? Then, in research papers Act 1, sc. Importance Of History Essay? 4, after Duncan announces that Malcolm is his successor, Macbeth says, "Stars, hide your fires! / Let not light see my black and deep desires." This suggests that he has thoughts of killing Duncan, but he is pushing those thoughts to back of his mind and research papers in sociology, doesn't want them brought out into the light. In contrast to essay that attitude is Lady Macbeth's attitude in papers in sociology Act 1, sc. 5, when she gets Macbeth's letter telling her of the witches' prophecies and of his becoming the Thane of phd thesis Cawdor, she immediately fills her head with dark thoughts. Rather than desire that her deadly thoughts be hidden from the light, she asks the papers in sociology, powers of darkness to bring them forth - just the opposite of her husband. Macbeth is an ambitious man or the witches would not have been able to voting awareness take advantage of him, but he was willing to wait and see if the prophecy that he'd become king would happen on its own, (Act 1, sc. 3, "If chance will have me King, why, / chance may crown me, / Without my stir." Lady Macbeth chastised her husband and called him weak and unmanly when he balked at the idea of killing Duncan. Macbeth was a weak, easily manipulated man whereas his wife was a self-serving, manipulating woman who couldn't do the dirty deeds herself. Once Macbeth gets the crown, he becomes paranoid and research papers in sociology, goes to any length to keep his position, but it is on gun control Lady Macbeth who encouraged his behavior. This question concerning who is more evil, Macbeth or Lady Macbeth, has been well covered by other editors above, but since the question is still open I'll add just a little piece of evidence that hasn't been dealt with yet. One piece of papers in sociology evidence that suggests Macbeth is the evil one is the fact that Lady Macbeth has the solar, opportunity to just kill Duncan herself, but she is unable to papers in sociology do it. She is impatient with her husband and does not have confidence in his ability to do it, yet she doesn't do it herself. On My? She says she can't do it because Duncan reminds her of her father. There is a compassionate, sentimental side to Lady Macbeth. Her plottings are just that: plans and research papers in sociology, theory, directions to her husband. She worries earlier in the play that her husband won't be able to do it, but then she turns out to be the one who can't do it. While her mind falls apart and she plunges into petrifying OCD (as we might think of short essay christmas it today) and research papers, commits suicide, Macbeth rules as a tyrant and arranges the slaughter of subject essay Banquo and Macduff's family. Lady Macduff is certainly the planner of the family, but Macbeth does the deeds. Papers In Sociology? Her evil is just expressed in words. There are so many opinions on guilt, culpability and evil in the characters of the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare that it is probably best for each member of the voting awareness, audience, or reader, to make their own judgement depending on their reading/view of it. My own reading of it leads me to prefer the scenario that poor Macbeth is ill - he has a psychological/mental illness which predisposes him to suggestiblity. Because he is very suggestible, other people can work on research in sociology him - his personality is malleable and others exploit that weakness and frailty. Chief among them of course is the true villain of my piece - Lady Macbeth. I think she knows her husband well enough to know which buttons she has to press to get him doing her bidding. He does the rest. There will be divergent answers to this question. An equally strong case can be made for each. I think that Macbeth proves to be more evil than Lady Macbeth. While she plays a very devious role as inspiring him to arabic essay on my family commit the deeds of murder, in the final analysis, Macbeth is the one to research in sociology commit these acts. At the same time, while Lady Macbeth does display some level of regret, guilt, or remorse about her actions, Macbeth plunges into a deeper moral abyss with his actions and arabic on my family, the depravity they represent. Research Papers? Both characters can fit the label of being evil with their actions and thoughts, but in my mind, I think that Macbeth is marginally more evil than his wife. Every person has his or her individual opinion, and may be, my opinion would not go after those of many, but I think that Macbeth himself is more evil than his wife. The most important reason that makes me think so is that of the insanity of Research Paper Lady Macbeth. Two persons, following the same path, commits sin, and one of them passes days much more normally, and the other, how far devilish s/he is, at one stage, becomes mad for the guilt s/he feels inside because of the research papers, crime s/he has committed, then, it is easily understandable that the person who becomes insane is cell far more humane than the other. A human does have feelings, a demon does not. Lady Macbeth is in sociology found in the tragedy to lose her senses as the assassinations go on subject essay and finally, she dies. She can not endure such guilt, and that is why she feels that there is “the smell of the blood still” in her hands and “all the papers, perfumes of subject Arabia” will not be enough to research in sociology remove it. Macbeth, on the contrary, leads a normal life, continues killing, and ruling the country like a bloody tyrant not even sparing small children to secure his kingship (his men kill Macduff’s son). Indeed, after killing so many people constantly, he does not get tired, neither he repents and turns off. Subject Essay? Rather he says that it is research in sociology difficult for position on gun control, him to return, and he himself tells to Lady Macbeth: “I am in research blood stepped in so far, that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er” (Act 3, Scene 4). He was ready to do anything for the sake of his survival and position. Even one of the witches, in Act 4, Scene 1, makes other witches alert when Macbeth was entering: “Something wicked this way comes” and Hecate also, considers him as ‘wayward’, ‘spiteful’ and ‘wrathful’ who only thinks of his own (Act 3, Scene 5). In fact, the news of his wife’s death does not bring any major change in his character. Research Paper? It seems that, his chief aim is to hold on the power at any cost and in sociology, nothing can stir him. So, to me, Macbeth is more malicious than his wife. Lady Macbeth, till a stage of her life, works as the spur, but the main wickedness is derived from Macbeth himself. Arabic Essay On My? His cruelty can not be ignored by condemning the witches’ equivocation or Lady Macbeth’s stimulation. i think that neither are evil. if u look at the text closely u will see that lady macbeth had to call upon the evil spirits to research papers in sociology assist her. On My Family? this shows that lady macbeth is not evil. she needed assistance to assist her husband in research fulfilling his ambitions. she thinks that her husband lacks courage to fulfill his ambitions. when u look at macbeth he does not know what to Research Paper do. he is in sociology undecided about duncan's murder. when he eventually murders duncan he realises his deed he says that no water will be able to wash off his deed(duncan's blood). he also asks lady macbeth as to y he could not say AMEN. Lady Macbeth is more evil than Macbeth. Macbeth has been told that he is going to become the king and is relatively satisfied to allow the course to play out. However, Lady Macbeth is impatient and wants it to happen quickly. She has a strong presence and is very capable of manipulating her husband. Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to kill the King so that he can have the throne. Importance Of History Essay? She faces the witches intrusions as a gift from the evil presence and uses it to fulfill her own ambitions. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more.
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