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Fr leavis essays and documents

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Fr leavis essays

The sample application essay below was written by Felicity for personal essay option #4 of the pre-2013 Common Application: "Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and fr leavis essays and documents, explain that influence." Be sure to go to page 2 of this article to read a critique of Felicity's essay. Note that Felicity's essay is from before the Common Application implemented the current 650-word length limit. In the South, where I grew up, pork is essay best, a vegetable. Actually, it’s used as a “seasoning,” but so commonly that it’s almost impossible to find salad without bacon, greens without fatback, white beans free of pinkish shreds of ham. It was difficult for me, then, when I decided to become a vegetarian. Essays? The decision itself, made for the usual reasons of essay on the metamorphosis, health, ethics and ecological conservation, was easy; putting it into practice, however, was another matter. At every restaurant, every school lunch, every church potluck, every family gathering, there was meat—in the entrée, the sides, the fr leavis essays condiments. I suspected even innocent-seeming pie crusts of secretly harboring lard. Eventually I worked out a system: I brought my own lunches to school, asked servers about the broth used in the soup of the day, avoided the usual suspects of beans and greens. This system worked well enough in public, but at home, I faced the depression challenge of fr leavis essays and documents, respecting my parents and harmoniously sharing meals with them. They were excellent cooks, both of them, and I had always enjoyed the mla format country-fried steaks, burgers and ribs they’d served to me for so many years—how could I now say “no” to and documents those delicacies without angering or inconveniencing them, or, worse, hurting their feelings? I couldn’t. And so, I backslid. I’d manage to depression thesis live a pure, meatless life for a few weeks, subsisting on pasta and salads. Then, Dad would grill an especially juicy teriyaki-marinated flank steak, look at me hopefully, and fr leavis essays and documents, offer a slice—and I would accept. I’d mend my ways, steam rice and essay about, stir-fry snow peas with mushrooms . . Fr Leavis? . and high school should not wear uniforms essay, crumble at the first whiff of the Thanksgiving turkey roasting in the oven and the proud smile on my mother’s face. My noble goals, it seemed, were doomed. But then, I found a role model, one who demonstrated to me that I could live without meat and still be a functioning member of society, eschew my parents’ pork chops and fried chicken without giving offense. Fr Leavis Essays? I wish I could say that I was inspired by one of history’s great artists like Leonardo da Vinci, or a leader and inventor like Benjamin Franklin, but no. Love At First Sight Essay? My inspiration was Lisa Simpson. Let me pause here to acknowledge how absurd it is to be inspired by and documents, an animated sitcom character, albeit one as smart and together as Lisa. Yet it was the very absurdity of feeling, somehow, moved by Lisa’s resolve and strength of character, her refusal to compromise her beliefs, that convinced me I could follow her example. In the pivotal episode, Lisa is statement, tortured by visions of the lamb whose chops provide her family’s dinner. “Please, Lisa, don’t eat me!” the imaginary lamb implores her. She is moved by ethics, yet almost breaks her resolution when Homer prepares a pig roast and is hurt by his daughter’s refusal to partake. Like me, Lisa is fr leavis essays and documents, torn between her convictions and her fear of depression essay thesis, disappointing her father (not to mention the undeniable deliciousness of pork). But she manages to explain her beliefs to Homer and show him that her rejection of meat is not a rejection of him—that she can share his table and his love while still living according to fr leavis essays her principles. Again, I admit—as inspirations go, this one is a little ridiculous. No imaginary lamb-conscience spoke to me, and thesis, unlike Lisa, I was not able to celebrate my vegetarian lifestyle by fr leavis essays, triumphantly singing with Quickie-Mart manager Apu and guest stars Paul and Linda McCartney. But seeing the very obstacles that stymied me being overcome by vs statement, a yellow-skinned, spiky-haired caricature was so silly that my difficulties, too, seemed silly. “Well heck,” I thought, “if Lisa Simpson—a cartoon character, for fr leavis essays and documents heaven’s sake— can stick to her guns, then so can I.” So I did. I told my parents that I had decided to really commit myself to essay on the vegetarianism, that this was not a passing phase, that I was not judging or seeking to convert them, but that this was simply something I had decided for myself. Essays? They agreed, perhaps a bit patronizingly, but as the months went on and I continued to forego the high not wear uniforms chicken in my fajitas and and documents, the sausage gravy on for essays my biscuits, they became more supportive. We worked together on fr leavis compromise. I took on a larger role in depression thesis preparing the meals, and reminded them to please use vegetable stock in the potato soup and to reserve a separate pot of plain spaghetti sauce before adding the ground beef. When we attended a potluck, we made sure that one of the dishes we brought was a meatless entrée, so that I would be guaranteed at least one edible dish at the pork-laden table. I did not tell my parents, or anyone else, that Lisa Simpson had helped me say no, forever, to fr leavis eating meat. Doing so would cast the decision, one that many teenagers passionately make for a few months and then abandon, in the light of essay on the metamorphosis, well-intentioned immaturity. But Lisa did help me live a more healthy, ethical, and fr leavis essays and documents, ecologically sound life—to say no to pork, in all its guises. Here I'll discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Felicity's college admission application essay, Porkopolis. Felicity wrote her essay in at first response to essays and documents option #4 of the Common Application: "Describe a character in essay fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence." When admissions counselors see that an applicant has chosen this option, they expect to find an essays, essay on one of the likely suspects like Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, or Albert Einstein. For fiction and mla format, art, applicants tend to think big -- a Jane Austen heroine, a Monet painting, a Rodin sculpture, a Beethoven symphony. So what are we to make of an essay that focuses on a seemingly trivial cartoon character like Lisa Simpson? Put yourself in the shoes of an admissions officer. It's tedious reading through thousands of college applications, so anything that jumps out as unusual can be a good thing. At the same time, the fr leavis essays and documents essay can't be so quirky or superficial that it fails to reveal the writer's skills and depression, character. Felicity takes a risk in her essay by focusing on essays a rather silly fictional role model. About Best? However, she handles her topic well. She acknowledges the strangeness of her focus, and at the same time she produces an essay that really isn't about and documents, Lisa Simpson. Mla Format? The essay is about Felicity, and it succeeds in fr leavis essays showing her depth of character, her inner conflicts and her personal convictions. Titles can be difficult which is mla format for essays, why many applicants skip them. Don't. A good title can grab your reader's attention and and documents, make him or her eager to read your essay. Lora's essay "Eating Eyeballs" is a great example of a powerful title. "Porkopolis" is perhaps a little less effective than "Eating Eyeballs," but the at first sight title still manages to make us curious and pull us into the essay. In fact, the title's strength is also its weakness. What exactly does "porkopolis" mean?. Fr Leavis And Documents? Will this essay be about pigs, or is mla format for essays, it about a metropolis with too much pork-barrel spending? Also, the title doesn't tell us what character or work of art Felicity will be discussing. We want to fr leavis essays and documents read the essay thesis essay to understand the title, but some readers might appreciate a little more information in the title. In my list of writing tips, I mention the value of including a little humor to keep the essay fun and engaging. Felicity manages humor with wonderful effect. At no point is essays and documents, her essay shallow or flip, but her catalog of southern pork dishes and essay, introduction of Lisa Simpson are likely to receive a chuckle from her reader. The essay's humor, however, is balanced with a serious discussion of a challenge Felicity faced in her life. Despite the choice of Lisa Simpson as a role model, Felicity comes across as a thoughtful and caring person who struggles to mesh the needs of others with her own convictions. Felicity's essay is from before 2011 when the Common Application imposed the 500-word length limit. At about 850 words, the essay would need to lose 350 words to comply with the new guidelines. When it was written, however, Felicity's essay was a good length, particularly because there's no obvious fluff or digression. Also, Felicity is clearly a strong writer. The prose is graceful and fluid. The mastery of style and language marks Felicity as a writer who would be capable of performing well at fr leavis the country's top colleges and universities. Felicity grabs our attention with her humorous first sentence, and the essay holds our interest throughout because of the personal statement of purpose shifts between the serious and the whimsical, the essays personal and the universal, the real and the fictional. The sentences mirror these shifts as Felicity moves between short and long phrases, and essay, simple and complex sentence structures. I imagine there are strict grammarians who would object to fr leavis essays and documents Felicity's liberal use of the dash and her lack of the word "and" to for essays introduce the final items in some of her lists. Also, someone might take issue with her use of conjunctions (and, yet, but) as transitional words at the beginnings of sentences. I imagine most readers, however, will view Felicity as a dexterous, creative and talented writer. Any breaking of the rules in her writing works to create a positive rhetorical effect. Like most good essays, Felicity's is not without risk. She could run up against an admissions officer who thinks the essays and documents choice of Lisa Simpson trivializes the purpose of the for essays personal essay. However, a careful reader will quickly recognize that Felicity's essay is not trivial. Sure, Felicity may be grounded in popular culture, but she emerges from the essay as a writer who loves her family but is not afraid to stand up for her own convictions. She is caring and thoughtful, playful and serious, inward and outward looking. In short, she sounds like a great person to invite to join one's campus community.

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Culture is one of the most important and basic concepts of sociology. In sociology culture has a specific meaning. The anthropologists believe that the behaviour which is and documents meant is called culture. In other words the behavior which is transmitted to us by some one is called culture. The way of living, eating, wearing, singing, dancing and talking are all parts of a culture. In common parlance, the word culture, is understood to personal essay about best friend, mean beautiful, refined or interesting. In sociology we use the word culture to denote acquired behavior which are shared by and transmitted among the members of the society. Essays And Documents? In other words, culture is a system of learned behaviour shared by and transmitted among the members of a group. Culture has been defined in various ways by sociologists and anthropologists. Following are the important definitions of culture. E.B. Tylor defines “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, Jaw, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”. Edward Sapir says that “Culture is any socially inherited element of the essay life of man, material and spiritual”. Malinowski defines "Culture the fr leavis handwork of man and conventional understanding manifest in art and on the artifact which persisting through which he achieves his ends". Redfield remarks that “Culture is an organised body of conventional understanding manifest in art and artifact which persisting through, characterizes a human group”. Mac Iver is of the view that “Culture is the expression of our nature in our modes of living, and our thinking, intercourses in our literature, in religion, in fr leavis essays, recreation and enjoyment. According to E.S. Bogardus “Culture is all the ways of high not wear uniforms essay doing and essays thinking of a group”. For a clear understanding of the concept of culture it is necessary for us to know its main characteristics. Culture has several characteristics. Following are the main characteristics of culture. Culture is not inherited biologically, but learnt socially by mla format man. It is not an inborn tendency. There is essays and documents no culture instinct as such culture is often called learned ways of behaviour. Unlearned behaviour such as closing the eyes while sleeping, the eye blinking reflex and so on are purely physiological and culture sharing hands or saying namaskar or thanks and shaving and dressing on the other hand are culture. Similarly wearing clothes, combing the hair, wearing ornaments, cooking the food, drinking from a glass, eating from a plate or leaf, reading a newspaper, driving a car, enacting a role in drama, singing, worship etc. are always of behaviour learnt by vs statement man culturally. Culture does not exist in isolation. Neither it is an individual phenomenon. It is a product of and documents society. It originates and develops through social interaction. It is shared by vs statement of purpose the members of society. No man can acquire culture without association with other human beings. Man becomes man only among men. It is the culture which helps man to develop human qualities in a human environment. Deprivation is fr leavis essays and documents nothing but deprivation of human qualities. Culture in the sociological sense, is something shared. It is not something that an individual alone can possess. For example customs, tradition, beliefs, ideas, values, morals, etc. Love Sight Essay? are shared by people of a group or society. The invention of Arya Bhatta or Albert Einstein, Charaka or Charles Darwin, the literary, works of Kalidas or Keats, Dandi or Dante, the philosophical works of Confucius or Lao Tse, Shankaracharya or Swami Vivekananda, the artistic work of and documents Kavi Verma or Raphael etc. are all shared by a large number of people. Culture is something adopted, used, believed practised or possessed by more than one person. It depends upon group life for its existence. (Robert Brerstedt) Culture is capable of mla format being transmitted from one generation to the next. Parents pass on culture traits to their children and fr leavis essays they in turn to their children and so on. Culture is transmitted not through genes but by means of language. Mla Format For Essays? Language is the main vehicle of culture. Language in its different forms like reading, writing and speaking makes it possible for the present generation to understand the achievements of earlier generations. But language itself is a part of culture. Once language is acquired it unfolds to fr leavis, the individual in wide field. Transmission of culture may take place by intuition as well as by interaction. 5. Culture is continuous and cumulative. Culture exists, as a continuous process. In its historical growth it tends to become cumulative. Culture is growing whole which includes in itself, the achievements of the past and present and makes provision for the future achievements of mankind. Culture may thus be conceived of as a kind of stream flowing down through the centuries from one generation to another. Personal Vs Statement Of Purpose? Hence some sociologists like Lotion called culture the social heritage of man. As Robert Bierstadt writes culture or the essays and documents money of human race. It becomes difficult for us to imagine what society would be like without this accumulation of culture what lives would be without it. 6. Culture is for essays consistent and interconnected. Culture, in its development has revealed tendency to fr leavis essays and documents, be consistent. At the same time different parts of culture are inter­connected. For example the value system of a society, a society is nabokov on the closely connected with its other aspects such as morality, religion, customs, traditions, beliefs and so on. 7. Culture is dynamic and adaptive. Though culture is fr leavis and documents relatively stable it is not altogether static. It is subject to slow but constant change. Change and growth are latent in students essay, culture. We find amazing growth in the present Indian culture when we compare it with the culture of the Vedic time. Hence culture is dynamic. Culture is responsive to the changing conditions of the physical world. It is adaptive. It also intervenes in the natural environment and helps man in his process of adjustment. Just as our house shelters us from the storm, so also does our culture help us from natural dangers and fr leavis essays and documents assist us to survive. Few of us indeed could survive without culture. Culture provides proper opportunities and prescribes means for the satisfaction of our needs and desires. These needs may be biological or social in nature. Our need for food, shelter and clothing and our desire for status, name, fame and money etc. are all, for nabokov essay, example, fulfilled according to the cultural ways. Culture determines and guides the varied activities of man. In fact culture is defined as the process through which human beings satisfy their wants. 9. Culture varies from society to society. Every society has a culture of its own. Fr Leavis Essays? It differs from society to nabokov essay on the metamorphosis, society. Culture of and documents every society in love at first essay, unique to itself. Cultures are not uniform. Cultural elements such as customs, traditions, morals, ideals, values, ideologies, beliefs in practices, philosophies institutions, etc. are not uniform everywhere. Ways of eating, speaking, greeting, dressing, entertaining, living etc. of different sects differ significantly. Culture varies from time to time also. No culture ever remains constant or changeless. If Manu were to come back to see the Indian society today he would be bewildered to witness the vast changes that have taken place in our culture. 10. Culture is super organic and ideational. Culture is sometimes called the super organic. By super organic Herbert Spencer meant that culture is neither organic nor inorganic in nature but above these two. And Documents? The term implies the social meaning of physical objectives and physiological acts. The social meaning may be independent of physiological and physical, properties and characteristics. For example, the social meaning of sight essay a national flag is not just a piece of coloured cloth. The flag represents a nation. Similarly, priests and prisoners, professors and profanation, players, engineers and doctors, farmers and soldiers and others are not just biological beings. They are viewed in their society differently.Their social status and role can be understood only and documents through culture. Preserve Articles is home of for essays thousands of articles published and and documents preserved by users like you. Here you can publish your research papers, essays, letters, stories, poetries, biographies, notes, reviews, advises and allied information with a single vision to liberate knowledge. Before preserving your articles on this site, please read the following pages:

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The director, Phillip Noyce made Rabbit Proof Fence to try and illustrate the shear enormity of the oppression suffered by aboriginal families at the hands of white Australian politicians and the government. The Australian administrators passed a policy that forced pure blooded, half castes and essays and documents quarter castes Aboriginal children to be taken from their families and essay their land to be bred and mixed into the white Australian community. Essays! The government believed that this was in depression essay the Aboriginals best interest but their motive was to eventually eliminate Aboriginal blood to promote a white Australia. This policy is now referred to fr leavis, as the personal statement vs statement вЂStolen Generation’. The pain and fr leavis essays and documents suffering the Aborigines experienced, the oppression and essay heart-break only ceased in 1970, when Australia finally realized what they have done and voted to and documents, abolish the White Australia policy in 1967. Phillip Noyce’s film, Rabbit Proof Fence reminded and informed the nabokov world how inhumane and ignorant the Australian administrative was. Without a doubt Aboriginals have faced harsh treatment, grief and sadness and Noyce’s film showed us exactly this. Three young girls, Molly, Gracie and Daisy yet to experience any life, were taken from their mothers and essays and documents transported to the Moore River orphanage settlement. Here the white oppressors attempted to teach them and many other Aborigine children to adapt to the white culture. The White Australia Policy forced these children to be domesticated to become servants of the dominant white people and later eventually, the friend Aborigine blood will be вЂbred out’ where their Aboriginal heritage would not be evident in their appearances. Essays And Documents! The scenes early in the film compared feelings of togetherness, love and peacefulness when the families were together with the scenes of violence and harsh measures used to take the girls from their mothers and force them into the car. These scenes show the helpless, desperate pleads of the mothers coming to no avail as the three children were taken and the mothers left behind in depression tears as if some part of them was missing. And Documents! Noyce’s cameras were carefully shot so that the families: Molly, Gracie and their mother and their auntie and cousin Daisy was shot in one frame to emphasize the blissful unison that Aborigines had shared together. Traditional Aboriginal music was played in the background and mla format the cameras panned the beautiful surroundings. This gave us a sense of fr leavis essays and documents loyalty and pride the Aboriginals felt in their heritage. Essay! Noyce’s camera then focuses onto the incoming motor vehicle controlled by a white official. The sound of the vehicle approaching created a traumatic atmosphere. The cameras were then shot in the family’s perspective which made the vehicle and the official that jumped out look very powerful. The cameras panned from his boots up. This emphasized the white’s great authority and unnecessary power over the Aboriginals. The forceful abduction of the essays and documents three little girls by the white official with their mothers unable to essay, do anything made the audience feel a sense of sorrowful guilt and sympathy towards the Aborigines. The moving, eerie music that was played during this event tried to simulate the atmosphere of how the Aborigines felt – lost, afraid and dead. The close up shots of each mother, pounding desperately against the car windows, hoping against fr leavis essays, hope that their daughters would be released was enough to show us how wrong white Australia was to take the Aborigine’s children. These showed the confusion and of purpose trauma the mothers face as they do not know what to do. The cameras looked down and framed the three girls. This gave the effect that they, innocent little girls were trapped unwillingly, desperate to escape and did not know what to fr leavis, do. Love At First Essay! These scenes showed us what the Aboriginals unwillingly faced. The Moore River orphanage is a slave house, not a place for anything to grow up in. Upon entry into the place, the buildings and environment gave the audience the essays impression that it was a place of horrible things. The camera panned across the old, dull, lifeless buildings and the conditions were not suitable for children to grow up in. Essay! The use of camera angles in the scene emphasized how the essays Aboriginal children truly felt. They were not welcomed. They felt scared, alone and depression thesis afraid. The camera focused on the three little girls in the nun’s perspective making them look small and helpless. The camera was also focused on the nun in the girl’s perspective which made the nun look extremely powerful and fearful. The music was again eerie and heart pounding at the same time. It tried to fr leavis essays and documents, capture us and help us go though what the girls were going through, confusion and fear. This apparent sanctuary for Aboriginals is like a training centre for them to mla format for essays, become slaves. Clearly, the Australian administrators had no intention вЂlooking after’ the Aborigines in essays the first place. Noyce illustrates the three children’s vulnerability after being taken away from their mother by introducing a spirit bird into the movie. The spirit bird is a symbol of the children’s need of protection after being taken away from their mother. Molly’s mother had always told molly that “the spirit bird will always look after you.” Whenever the essay thesis director wishes to essays and documents, show that the high should uniforms essay girls are in desperate need of protection during there long and painful journey the viewer sees the eagle circling above them. On one occasion we, as the audience , are the spirit bird looking down on the three little helpless children. The white Australian policy was introduced for one reason: to promote white dominance and oppression and to get rid of the Aborigines. Many people felt strongly about this cause not considering what the Aboriginals would be facing. Some were even convinced to the point that they thought that they are doing the essays and documents Aboriginals a favor. School Students Not Wear Uniforms Essay! They thought that by letting the Aboriginals into their community, their children will experience and live a better and more prosperous life and be protected from their parents and their environment. This was not the fr leavis case. There was no reason to think that the Aboriginal children needed any protecting at all. They lived very healthy and happy lives. The only thing the Australian administrators cared about nabokov essay was their вЂwhite Australian’ racist views and they would have done and said anything to anyone to brainwash and to manipulate. Mr. Neville the chief protector of the Aboriginals was one of the head of the white Australia Policy. He believed that the Aboriginals needed protecting, from the world and themselves. “…in spite of himself the native must be helped…” Neville here contradicts himself. He says that he wants to help out Aboriginals yet here he is patronizing them saying that their primitive. The film clearly shows the narrow mindedness of both politicians and the government through the character Mr. Neville. Mr. Neville strongly believes that half casts are a problem and when it comes to recapturing the three little girls after they have run away, we see his views come out when he says such things as, “The problem of half casts is not simply just going to go away, if it is fr leavis essays and documents, not dealt with now it will fester for years to come.” We clearly now know that the white Australia Policy is personal, just an excuse to breed out Aboriginal blood, a shallow motive that was a turn for the worst for Aboriginals whom faced so many hardships. Noyce has shown the world that Aboriginals have suffered and endured so much pain and essays angst. They will forever be traumatized by the вЂStolen Generation’ era.
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